Pet Memorials

Unique remembrances

I have been creating cast glass memorial hearts and paws that may be pendants or display pieces. Most hearts are approximately 2”x2”.  The ashes are visible on the back of the heart although they may be made not visible if you would prefer that, by using opaque glass instead of transparent. I usually use pink and/or red glass mixed with rainbow colors of dichroic glass which give hearts a beautiful sparkle.  Colors other than pinks and reds are available.

Customizable Hearts

Customers are also welcome to make their own memorial for their pet, if they’d like to. You could create a sun-catcher/wall hanging, windchime, candle holder or an ornament for your garden that would encase the ashes. One person made key-chains for everyone in his family! These items would be your design/creation with me providing guidance. The ashes would be sealed through fusing them between 2 layers of glass. Another thought is to make a heart bouquet suncatcher/wall hanging with the ashes in the cast red/pink heart similar idea as in the picture.

Heart Bouquet Suncatchers

Approximately 1/2 teaspoon of ashes are needed (depending on how many memorials you would like to make) and all unused ashes are returned. The cost for a heart memorial that I create or a workshop where the customer creates the memorial would be the same cost – a workshop generally takes 1-2 hours.

Heart Wall Hangings